The Awaken Workshop

Our Awaken Workshop is a proven process that gives you the most empowering and effective way to start your book. You will walk away fully equipped and fully prepared to write your book from front to back.

3 Day Workshop

Day One —

Day 1 of your Awaken Workshop, you will walk away with a “Phase 1 Blueprint” that includes:

1 – The basic table of contents for your book, along with the primary subtitles of each chapter.

2 – Your primary audience defined.

3 – Your secondary audience defined.

4 – The thematic structure of your book.

5 – The mission statement for your book.

6 – The three primary benefits your readers will get from your book.

7 – The three primary benefits you, the author, will get from your book (business or branding objectives).

Phase 2 Blueprint—

For Day 2, you will learn about and create a “Phase 2 Blueprint” which includes:

1 – The finalized chapter titles of each chapter and the target word count for each chapter.

2 – A mission statement for each chapter.

3 – The finalized sub-titles of each chapter and the target word count for each sub-title.

4 – For each subtitle of your book, you will have 2-5 “Content Creating Questions,” which will make writing your book as easy as answering questions.

5 – For each Content Creating Questions, you will have 2-5 “Trigger Points” which will give you a direction in which to write or make your interview laser-focused. The trigger points give your content precision and quality.

6 – The introduction and conclusion will be outlined.

This outlining process is critical to make your writing and publishing experience fast and high-quality. 

Cash Flow for Authors—

For Day 3, you will learn how authors generate cash flow before the book is finished and how to guarantee your book is a best-selling book on Amazon!

Register Today

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Awaken Workshop

When you register today you’ll receive:

  • 3-day Experience – Full Awaken 3 Day Workshop from 9am – 3pm. Proprietary Writing Process to Make Writing Easy.
  • Customize Book Plan – Printed Awaken Workbook. Chapter by Chapter Outline That Will Create Clarity and Make Writing Your Book Easy.
  • Clarity – Thematic Structure Established. Completed Project Mission Statement.
  • Strategy – Primary and Secondary Audience Identified. Goals for Your Readers Clarified and Thematic Structure Established.


Dawn Pickard

Certified StoryWay Guide

Dawn Pickard

Certified StoryWay Guide

Dawn Pickard

Certified StoryWay Guide

Dawn Pickard

Certified StoryWay Guide