The religious overtones and biased descriptions of who God is, are abundant.
That’s why Joe Stehlin is passionate about sharing the true, Biblical character of God. So much so, he wrote about it in his new book, Hunted and Called: Who God Really Is and How He Changed My Life.
What is one thing the reader could take away from your book that they could apply today and get different, big results?
Joe wants you to see God in a new light.
To know Him beyond His title by exploring and understanding His true character.
Each chapter of Joe’s book, Hunted and Called, is centered around a specific Jehovah name of God as described in the Old Testament, ultimately directing to a particular trait of God.
Sharing these attributes of God are so that the reader “can start to recognize God and all aspects of His character to understand He’s much bigger than we realize.”
“We arbitrarily just call him God, and don’t really stop to think and reflect when we say that we’re also saying He’s a shepherd, a healer, our peace, our provider, and so on.”
Joe knows how vital this message is, experiencing the difference it makes firsthand. Knowing the true traits embodied by God transforms our ability to confidently approach and trust Him.
What is one thing the reader could take away from your book that would result in a 1% improvement?
Joe’s answer to this is rather simple, yet profound in the impact it can have to deepen our relationship with God.
“I want the reader to realize they can talk to God about anything. And it’s okay to express all your emotions because He already knows about them anyway. He knows what’s on your heart.”
“That sort of openness creates a deeper relationship and I want people to realize that God is in this with them.”
And that conversation simply begins with prayer.
“I was explaining to someone that prayer with God is nothing more than a conversation. When we invite Christ into our heart, it’s a relationship. And just like our relationships on earth includes communication, your relationship with God is the same.”
Regardless of what you’ve been told about God, Joe wants you to take a step back and reflect on the idea that, “we can know God in a personal way by learning about His different characteristics. By breaking them down to describe who God is, you realize that when the world says that he’s distant, unapproachable, or harsh, it’s a lie. Those aren’t his characteristics at all.”
Pick up a copy of Hunted and Called by Joe Stehlin on Amazon today. In this book, he outlines a clear and simple approach to uncovering the heart of God so that the reader can deepen their relationship with Him and experience abundant life.